Saturday, 24 May 2008

Towards a Carers' Charter

A first attempt to respond to my own question. What might a Carers' Charter look like ?

It would be the basis of a campaign to establish human rights for carers. At the centre must be the right to a reasonable life. So a recognition of the work carers do must come first. Carers are workers who need and are entitled to a wage. If they did not undertake this work, the state would have to undertake responsibility for it and it would cost far more. Carers also need an organisation to fight for a wage and improved conditions of service, an embryonic carers trade union. Their right to organise and negotiate on behalf of carers should be recognised by the TUC and the trade union movement generally.

Carers conditions of service should include a full medical assessment of their carees needs and of their own capacity to care for them. Carers who are incapacitated themselves should receive all necessary support.
( Other carers and our supporters are invited to add to this list of conditions of service. )

More Later.


Anonymous said...

The right to be covered by Health and Safety Legislation.

The right to be covered by the EU Working Time Directive and to have a minimum of one day off per week with adequate cover in place.

The right to annual leave equal to the minimum holiday entitlement afforded to all other full-time workers.

The right to paid sick leave and to immediate adequate cover of the caring role when sick.

The right to cover of the caring role to enable the carer to attend GP, hospital, dental, etc. appointments.

The right to early consultation when proposed changes to individual or local service provision or charges are under consideration and for any input to be given equal weight to all other determining factors.

Anonymous said...

I think this is an excellent idea. Although there are a number of Carers Charters on the web (many of them addressing local relationships between carers and various local services)what is different about this proposal as far as i can see is the right for carers to be acknowledged as workers. I agree that they should be but could you clarify if it is just 35 hour plus a week carers ie those that get Carers Allowance or or would qualify for Carers Allowance if they were not receiving other income who will be regarded as such.

I presume that the charter will include other rights for all carers ie those who care for less than 35 hours a week as well? (including the right you mentioned of assessment of carees and carers needs).